init(); //user session info / referal url & country session_start(); if(strlen($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) > 0 && (!isset($_SESSION['refurl']) || strlen($_SESSION['refurl']) == 0)) $_SESSION['refurl'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; if(strlen($_SESSION['usercountry']) == 0) $_SESSION['usercountry'] = $_SERVER["HTTP_CF_IPCOUNTRY"]; //work out if the user is on mobile or tablet, if sor edirect to other stie $detect = new Mobile_Detect; $deviceType = ($detect->isMobile() ? 'phone/tablet' : 'computer'); $redirect = $deviceType == 'phone/tablet'; //settings $settings = $data->loadList('settings'); //seo $seo = $data->loadList('seo'); $seocount = 0; function getKeyword($random=0,$array=0){ global $seo,$seocount; $seoArray = (($array)>0) ? $array : $seo; $keyword =(($random)>0) ? $seoArray[array_rand($seoArray,1)] : $seoArray[$seocount]; $seocount = (($seocount+1) >= count( $seoArray))? 0 : ($seocount+1); return $keyword; } function seoUrl($string) { $string = strtolower($string); $string = preg_replace("/[^a-z0-9_\s-]/", "", $string); $string = preg_replace("/[\s-]+/", " ", $string); $string = preg_replace("/[\s_]/", "-", $string); return $string; } ?>

Introducing our wonderful



We're Koko, an independent award winning creative digital agency based in the UK.

We're passionate about creating kick-ass content, from games & apps to websites & social.

It's what we do!

loadList('clients'); $featured = array(); for( $i = 0; $i < count($clients); $i++){ $client = $clients[$i]; if($client['featured'] == '1') { $featured[] = $client; } } shuffle($featured); $balloons = array( //left, right, id, scale, class, img array(-680, 700, 8, 1, 'client-eight', $featured[0]), array(-490, 630, 1, 0.8, 'client-one', $featured[1]), array(-340, 700, 2, 1, 'client-nine', $featured[2]), array(-150, 630, 3, 0.81, 'client-three', $featured[3]), array(0, 700, 4, 1, 'client-four', $featured[4]), array(180, 630, 5, 0.8, 'client-four', $featured[5]), array(320, 700, 6, 1, 'client-six', $featured[6]), array(500, 630, 7, 0.8, 'client-seven', $featured[7]) ); for( $i = 0; $i < count($balloons); $i++ ){ $balloon = $balloons[$i]; ?>

Our much loved clients range from big name brands to online start ups.

We're also proud to be the specialist partner of many leading advertising agencies.


Take a look at what we do...



'; // add body hidden for SEO Rank $url = "services/" . $service['url_slug'] . '/'; //work out class name $class = ''; if($i % 2 ==0) $class = 'odd'; if($i == 0) $class .= ' first'; if($service['hidden']==1) $class = 'hide'; if(strlen($name) > 13) $class .= ' large'; //return // seo inject hidden keyword $seokey = trim(getKeyword(1,explode(',',$service['seokeywords']))); // get random services keyword if(strlen($seokey) >0){ $seoarray = explode('[#service#]',str_replace(array("\n", "\t", "\r"), '',$seokey)); if($seoarray[0] ==''){ //keyword at end // $url = 'services/'.$service['url_slug'].seoUrl($seoarray[1]).'/'; $name = $name.''; } else if(strlen($seoarray[0]) > 0 && strlen($seoarray[1]) > 0) { $name = ''.$name.''; } else { //keyword at begining // $url = 'services/'. seoUrl($seoarray[0]).$service['url_slug'] . '/'; $name = ''.$name; } } return '
  • '.$name.''.$body.'
  • '; } $services = $data->loadList('services'); $serviceGroups = $services[0]; $serviceData = $services[1]; ?>
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    */ ?>
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    loadList('testimonials'); for( $i = 0; $i < count($testimonials); $i++) { $testimonial = $testimonials[$i]; ?>


    We don't like to brag...

    We're very proud to have picked up many awards and commendations over recent years.

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    +44 (0)844 800 7137


    +44 (0)20 3286 1137

    General Enquiries

    [email protected]

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    [email protected]
